How do I reset or recover my password?

To reset or recover your account password, please click the following URL. Request a Password Reset

Step 1:

1.   Enter Username (Your IMEI Source username)
2.   Enter Verification Code (Image Captcha if ask)
3.   Click Next button.


4.   Enter Answer Your Security Question (Your IMEI Source account security question's answer if ask)
5.   Click Request a Password Reset Link To Email button.
6.   You will receive a new Password Generate URL to your IMEI Source registered email.
7.   Click the Password Generate URL collected from your email.
8.   Set  New Password.
9.   Set Confirm Password.
10. Done. Lets you are able to access your account with you New Password.

If you forgot security question's answer, please click the following URL. How do I reset my security question?

Views : 6322 | Updated : 10/21/2017
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