What does it mean by Generic Code?

The Generic Code service is a remote unlock service?

Absolutely No. The Generic Code related service will be provided you the Generic code that called unlock code.

What are the examples of the Generic Code?

The generic code looks like examples below.


NameCode TypeDefinationDiscription
Network Code Generic   n/a
NCK Generic Network Control Key Known as Network Lock, SIM Network Unlock PIN, Network Unlock Code
NSCK Generic Network Subsidy Control Key Known as Network Subset Lock
SPCK Generic Service Provider Control Key Known as Service Provider Lock
CPCK Generic 10 Known as Corporate Lock
SIMCK Generic Subscriber Identity Module Control Key Known as Sim Lock
Primary Code Generic n/a n/a
Secondary Code Generic n/a n/a
Passcode Generic n/a n/a
PCK Generic n/a n/a
  Generic n/a n/a
CPCK/SIM Generic 100 0
MCK Generic 150 20
CCK Generic Corporate Control Key Knwn as Corporate Lock Code
RGCK Generic 0 Known as Region Unlock Code
RGCK Generic 0 n/a
RGCK Generic 0 n/a
RGCK Generic 0 n/a

Views : 4204 | Updated : 10/19/2017
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